Vemma Webinar - MALTA

Vemma is working in Malta - FINALLY!
I´ve found a great internet now, down in the harbour! Wow, it´s so much better than the residences, accept from the wind ;)

This Monday have been great. I started 10 o´clock this morning in a new class and also a new course. This was the first day for the course to get prepared for the TOEFL exam. I finished at 3,30 and I thought I was going to die! I was so tired coz I´m not used to go a long day like this. Accept from that this course is really good the the teacher is GREAT! I think this four week will be some of the best week, but I´ll have to study hard AND I WILL!

When I came home from school, there was lunch at the table, my boyfriend is great <3
We ate, went for some shopping and then relaxed a bit in the harbour. But now, in the evening, I´m not sure if I like him anymore! He forced me to go for a run, I mean heeeey, I haven´t practice ANYTHING since May! Or, maybe a bit, but not like before. . . Actually, he had a lot of patient with me so I went through it, but it was my second "close to die" feeling today!

We just finished a Vemma Webinar Meeting now and if you listen to Anders Karlsson only once, you will get so excited directly!

BTW, yesterday afternoon, HA HA HA. We had the best afternoon ever. We went to a café to drink something good, and it ended up with 6 (!!!) Pina Colada and a half drunk Petra & Rickard. Best start on a holiday!!

[ NO picture today coz my battery is dead :( ]

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Sunday 2o1o-o8-29

Goooood Morning everyone!
I´m full om energy today and I woke up 07,22 (!!!) after 8 hours beautysleep <3
Now it´s time to get ready to go to the airport and pick up Rickard, he´ll arrive at 10,47.

Yesterday was a really good day! Thanks to Janni. We went for shopping, I didn´t by anything *good*
and we had some lunch and we ended up at the beach with two of her friends.
I spent my SATURDAY evening with cleaning, washing etc. . A boring, but great evening, and I went to bed at 11,00.

I don´t think I´ll have time to update now. . . I´m going to spend my time with my Love <3
And the following month. . huh. . Some people will come and visit me! Social, me? Noo ;)
29/8 - 12/9 > Rickard
5/9 - 12/9 > Jimmy, Sanna & Affe
19/9 - 22/9 > My Grandparents
23/9 - 27/9 > Mum & Lars
( 28/9 - 2/10 > Dad )

[ We LOVE Friday´s ]

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After 8 hours sleep this night I feel great again. It was difficult to sleep yesterday even if I´ve been awake for 38 hours (!!!!) This day have been one of the worse but even one of the best days ever!
I hate the man at school who takes care of the accomondation. Shit what a stupid man!!! I think he count for the price 3 times. . . . That says everything!!

Accept from him, my day was excellent and it´s not over yet! Janni was here and we watched two SWEDISH MOVIES and ate a delicious SWEDISH DINNER (meatballs, potatoe, sauce and "lingonberry jam")

Soon I´m leaving Days f*cking Inn for a night (probarbly the last) with Monika. She´s leaving on Tuesday and I think this night will be our last together. I´m going to miss her!!!

"När jag säger svamp i underlivet så menar jag
såklart inte att du har kantareller där nere (!!!!)"

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I need to SLEP!

Finally I can sleep and I will do it in a sunbed so I can get my tan back!!
Yesterday I went out with some friends and I was SOBER all night long.

Time to sleeep - ZzZzZzZzZ

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Special for today

Cheers Pub tonight!
John and Neil are going to have another Monkey Functional Evening with music, gutiar and bongoo. I love this evenings! I hope Janni wants to join me, it´s 2 weeks since we last saw eachother! And I feel so bored so I really have to do something fun!


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Life on Venus

Is this what we´re going to learn in school? How Life is on Venus? No of course not, this is just taken from the book "Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars" and I find it interesting and fun. I think some of the things they mention really is true, and other not!

Venusians have different values. They value love, communication, beauty, and relationships. They spend a lot of time supporting, helping, and nurturing one another. Their sense of self defined through their feelings and the quality of their relationships. They experience fulfilment through sharing and relating.

Everything on Venus reflects these values. Rather than building highways and tall building, the Venusians are more concerned with living in harmony, community, and loving cooperation. Relationships are more important than work and technology. In most ways their world is the opposite of Mars.

They do not wear uniforms like Martians (to reveal their competence). On the contrary, they enjoy wearing a different outfit every day, according t hob they are feeling. Personal expression, especially of feelings, is very important. They may even change outfits several times a day as their mood changes (typical me).

Communication is of primary importance. To share their personal feelings is much more important than achieving goals and success. Talking and relating to one another is a source of tremendous fulfilment.

This is hard for a man to comprehend. He can come close to understanding a woman´s experience of sharing and relating by comparing it to the satisfaction he feels when he wins a race, achieves a goal, or solve a problem.

Instead of being goal oriented, women are relationship oriented: they are more concerned with expressing their goodness, love, and caring. Two Martians go to lunch to discuss a project or business goal: they have a problem to solve. In addition, Martians view going to a restaurant as an efficient way to approach food: no shopping, no cooking, an no washing dishes. For Venusians, going to lunch is an opportunity to nurture a relationship, for both giving support to and receiving support from a friend. Women´s restaurant talk can be very open and intimate, almost like the dialogue that occurs between therapist and patient.

On Venus, everyone studies psychology and has at least a master´s degree in counseling. They are very involved in personal growth. Venus is covered with parks, organic gardens, shopping centers and restaurants.

Venusians are very intuitive. They have developed this ability through centuries of anticipating the needs of others. They pride themselves in being considerate of the needs and feelings of other. A sign of great love is offer help and assistance to another Venusians without being asked.

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Sweden - MY HOME <3

The 15th of October, that´s the date when I´m coming back to Sweden
And it´s ONLY 53 days left!

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Is it possible to sleep TO MUCH?

Update 2o1o-o8-24 kl. 19,26 (coz I can´t spell)
I think I have some problem. I´m not sure if it´s good or bad. . . . I just think I sleep to much.
Just woke up after 3 hours sleep. And hey, it´s 7 o´clock. There might be something wrong with me, or else I´m just really really bored of this place!
Still, it´s not okey to sleep that much. But I just want it to be Sunday, NOW!!

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Stupid blond girl

Sometimes it might be right - that blonde´s are stupid. I felt like a stupid blonde this morning when I realized that I´ve been in the wrong class for a hole day.

The history behind:
When I woke up yesterday morning I was a bit tired so I forgot to look at the paper I got from the director last week to see which classroom I was supposed to be in and which teacher I was going to have.
But I thought I was smart enough when I went to the reception to ask. And I got an answer, 211B with Sandro.
Okey, fine I thought, I remember that was the name of my teacher. When I came to the class I met some of the students I studied with before and I asked them who there teacher was. They said Gillian.... Hm, I was a bit confused so I went back to the reception, one more time, to check. This time she said that the might have changed teacher or something so I went back to the class and ended the day there.
This morning, I found the paper from the director and when I read what it said I started laughing! HOW COULD I BE SOOO STUPID? It didn´t say 211B, It said 114B. Ha Ha,

Today I´ve been in the right class, but it was embarrassing to tell the teacher why I didn´t showed up yesterday. . . . . .

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Baby boom boom boom

What´s happening? There is a new child born like everyday I check my Facebook!
Is it a Baby-boom for the moment? Did everyone had such a boring time in the end of last year so the only thing to do was to have sex!?!? Well, I´m happy for them and I mean, who doesn´t like babies? They are soo sweet! (sometimes) Hi Hi

So when is it my turn? Well, that have to wait a bit. I have other plans for the moment! And there is already one young girl in my life, my boyfriend´s daughter and she is a lovely girl <3

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Fresh air

Time for me to take some fresh air.
Think I will be sitting in the harbour for some hours with my book and an ice-cream :)

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Movie from yesterday

Cliff diving 

[ It wasn´t the highest place we jumped from but the only place
where it was possible to take photo/film ]

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MONDAY 2o1o-o8-23

I´m tired as hell and I swear there have been someone in my room this night and hit me all over my body. My body is a big BIG pain and I also got a stiff neck. To stay to the truth I must confess that it is from the cliff-jumping yesterday. But don´t be scared, I´m not actually dead - It just feels like it!

"Som man bädda får man ligga" eller "Man mår som man förtjänar"

[ Yday´s dinner at 9 o´clock ]

To think about something good instead. . . It´s soon Sunday and guess who´s coming <3
So sorry everyone
, I might be the most boring person in the world but I´ve been wating for this moment for a long time and I´m NOT GOING TO WASTE ANY MINUTES OF IT!

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Cliff Jumping at Comino

Today we have been to Comino all day long. I think all of us got sunburned and even my ass is hurting! AGAIN! But cliff-jumping were really really fun, but I was scared as hell (and I did it 2 times). At least I didn´t chicken out like some of the others ;)

It looked a little bit like this >> (And I`M FINE)

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Time to sleeeeep

Had a great afternoon at Surfside and now I´m so tired after being in the sun for about 3 hours.
Time for a shower and after another movie? Hope to speek to Rickard tonight, hope the competition went well (:

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You´ll find me next to Surfside this afternoon (:

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Tonight it´s my time to have. .

. . . klackarna i taget. Or no, I´m not going to wear high heels but I´m going out.
Just to have some fun and meet som friends, it was long time ago.
And after all these dance movies I feel like dancing!

This weekend I´m looking forward to Sunday, me and some friends going to Comino for cliffdiving. How did I get into thiw situation? Well, the only answer I can find is that I talk to much :p
I really want to do it but I´m scared as hell. And Mum & Dad, it isn´t dangerous, I promise!

Have a great night everyone, I will do the best I can! And Good luck in Hallstavik my Love (I´m keeping my fingers crossed)!

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Klackarna i taket!

Now, since I got a lot of time I start reading some different blog´s and I find it quit interesting.
Today I found this blog: with two girls writing together.

And of course I found a competition, were you can win etiher a pair of sunglasses or a watch. And hey, I´m in Malta and it´s sunny, so I need a pair of sunglasses!


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Mysteriet om den försvunna kondomen

Aaah, dehär inlägget får allt bli på svenska ;)

Och nej, de va inte jag!
Denna vecka fick jag en lite udda fråga, men antagligen en av dom mest roligaste frågorna jag fått på länge men samtidigt förstår jag att killen såg likblek ut i ansiktet när han började berätta. . .
Och det är ju rätt roligt att han anförtrodde sig till mig, jag menar jag e ju ingen sexfantast, dock är jag ju en mycket god vän som alltid lyssnar! Kanske de han behövde?

Jepp, han hade haft sex med en tjej (bad om att INTE få djupare detaljer än så) och efteråt så va kondomen helt enkelt FÖRSVUNNEN! Och snäll som jag e, så börjar jag såklart att gapskratta! Kände mig så taskig men ni skulle sett han min, stackaren! Fniss Fniss
Men vi stoppade samtalet lite o började helt enkelt fundera på var kondom kan ha tagit vägen. Jag har såklart varit tvungen att forska lite i de (och det är inte ovanligt att de händer).
Ja menar, alla känner vi väl kvinnokroppen och att det inte kan försvinna något upp där. Men klart att det kan fastna, så de va ju mitt förslag att kolla de. Och därmed hade jag lyckats att genera honom också!
Får väl helt enkelt se om de dyker upp, glad att de aldrig hänt mig. Och hade de hänt så vet i tusan om jag berättat de :p

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Dance all night long. . .

. . . and what if it was forbidden? Like in the movie Footlose? I watched it yesterday and I can´t get enough of these dance movies. The feeling I get inside is just. . . wow. . . it feels like I´m in heaven, flying around on a cloud.
So next year it will definetly be Pole Dancing and one more dance that I haven´t decided yet, Broadway Jazz / Pussycat Dolls / Stritease Aerobic or maybe balett again. . there are so much I want to do!


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~ Homesick ~

I want to go home NOW! I don´t wanna be here anymore!
I miss my friends, my family, Sweden, everything!

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Beef, potatoe, mushroom and sockerärtor :p

Yes, my dinner today was really really good!

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My choice are: Move to an advanced class these last two month or To take advanced lessons for two weeks and then take a course to make the TOEFL Exam. Well, my mother made that decision for me. I will do the Exam!

And this one is really good:

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Money, Money, Money

I just need some money to make that tatoo ;)

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Women or Men?

Yesterday, I skipped New Moon and watched Pirates of the Carribean instead and Johnny Depp, OMG.
But tonight, New Moon <3

Today we had this exercise
about "how to survive in the sea".
One of the questions were, who would survive longest, women or men?
I mean everyone should know the answer, women are better than men!

And to my lovely Mum:
I´ve been to a doctor today and it cost me 25 Euro for him to give me two prescription and say that I´m in a bad condition, but not that bad! The medicine on the picture is what I got. I don´t know what it is but he told me to take it 15 minutes before sleep. That could be a problem since I always fall asleep in front of the TV :p

[ New Drug from the drugstore *LoL* ]

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Time for dinner (pasta with pesto, again) and then I will do my homework, read and maybe watch a movie. .
New Moon ;) For you my friend, Sofie <3

And I bought a choclate today, Oooooops

(Stupid internet, I can´t upload any photos)

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Can´t get it out of my head <3

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Monday 2o1o-o8-16

When I went to school this morning I was quite upset about changing class -AGAIN! I don´t like to change class coz it means that we have a new teatcher and they all have different way to teach and of course we have to change when I really liked my other teatcher.

But when I went into the classroom I recognized the briefcase next to the teatchers chair. And guess what, the teatcher was the one I thought, John!! So I don´t feel upset anymore, now I know that I have another good teatcher.

After ONLY 1,5 hours lesson I went to the bookstore to buy a new book. This time I choosed The Summons by John Grisham. Seems to be a good book and I already read about 30 pages while sunbathing. The language in the book is a bit difficult, but I hope I can get through it!

Tonight? I have to do my homework. "2/3 words you like/dislike/find interested in English" / "What makes you laugh?" / "What makes you cry?".
The 2nd and 3rd one were easy for me. I laugh when someone gets hurt (Yes, I know it´s stupid, but sometimes it looks sooo fun) and I often cry (last time was when I saw P.S I Love You) when I watch movies.

[ Today´s shopping > My New Passion <3 ]

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I´m sitting here. . .

. . . outside my residence.
Finally, a lot of Spanish people are leaving tonight so for once it´s okey that they take all the comfortable seats in the reception! But my ass doesn´t feel very well after sitting here 45 minutes (I know John, I did it again, LoL)

Btw, I just watched Grease and it´s impossible not to love John Travolta after that. OMG.

Maybe time to go up and take my Strawberry Smoothie that I forgot and take some medicine and return to my book..

[ Liza Marklund, Vampyrens Märke & Sveket was this weekends (crop/vintage?) ]

[ My Drugs ]

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Election - totally forgot!

35 days left and then it´s time for the election in Sweden
Shit - Shit - Shit

I have no idea how to vote from here or who I´m going to vote for


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End of this week

Today I woke up after 11 hours sleep, but this night were good, no cought - at least what I can remember!
But I HATE when other people disturb me during my "wake up process". Today there were some one knocking on my neighbours door and not only ones, like 15 times!! And guess what, Spanish people. AM I SUPRISED!? Not that I´m going to like them more. . . .

Accept from that my weekend have been fabulous *NOT*
What have I done. . . .  Well, lets see.

~ NO party at all (good girl) ~ Reading 3 books ~ Slept 11 hours every night ~ Tried to find a flight to Germany ~ Ate too much food and choclate ~ Felt bored and restless ~ Some sunbathing ~ Complained over my blogg ~ Thinking of my friends and my love at home and how much I miss them ~

And now. . . . . buy a choclate. I know, I´m addicted to it!!

2 weeks left, My Love <3
I Miss You so much!

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Just Another Saturday

Today´s. . . .

... Feeling:
Sick, whining, look happy but I´m not, no energy
... Have done: Woke up, watched rest of the movie I missed yesterday, ate breakfast, read my book, watched another movie
... Should do: Take a walk and not eat more choclate
... Hair: Whooo, it looks like shit, but at least I washed it. .
... Make Up: Nothing yet
... Clothes: Black skirt and a purple (vest?) and my sweet leopard shoes from sis <3
... Plans: Read some more pages in my book, tonight - pasta for dinner and after a walk (hopefully)
... Question: Will I ever like Spanish people again after this!?!?
... Best: That I´ve got a really good book (:
... Worst: Don´t know what to do else then going out tonight. . . What a problem :p
... Want to have: I want my boyfriend to come NOW, miss him so much!!
... Newspaper: Swedish newspaper on internet > Aftonbladet
... Song: Eminem - Not Afraid

[ Things I Miss <3 ]

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Go to a doctor!

Went to the pharmacy this morning to buy some medicine, but I didn´t get anything :(
He told me to come back at 5,30 and visit a doctor, coz of my asthma. . .

He told me to take care of myself coz it doesn´t sound very good, so lets see what the doctor tells me later. I´ve been having this in one week now and I just want to feel better!
I´ve been in bed the last two days (accept from school) so I really relax, no one can blame me for that!

So now, maybe get my book, went to the swimming pool at our roof and after, another movie in bed!?!?

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Reading my book - A FRIDAY! What happend?

It took... hmmm... lets see.
6 hours yesterday and about 2 hours today to finish my book. Liza Marklund -
A REALLY GOOD ONE and I defently recommend it. Thanks Mum!
You can have it back when you come here, but it doesn´t look new any more :p

Hopefully I will go to the gym on Monday - if I feel better.
Fortina Fitness, I went there today and it looks okey, a good plays to run away to!

Well, since my book is finished I have to begin another one. . .
Max Söderpalm maybe and some sale information. . . Seems heavy, but I will make a try!

AND FRIDAY 13th - I knewed it was something bad over this day!!!
I feel really sorry for the one/(or is it more now?) who died in an explosion in a firework factory in Mosta today!
Even if I don´t knew them it always feel bad!

And even for Niklas, who died in a motocross accident in Sweden this week, only 9 years old!!

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Ooooooh, is everything against me today!?!?

Or well, three things (three to much):

¤ Internet

¤ Header of my blog

¤ Payment for the room when Rickard is coming

At least I´m going to check the gym soon, something good, after back to my book (:

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Friday 13th - Unlucky ?

"If you got a dream, you got to protect it.
People who can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you why you can’t do it.
If you want something, go get it"

It´s Friday 13th but I think it will be a good day after all!
I woke up this morning and it felt like someone hit me all over my body.
I really miss my bed at home, this one is horrible :p

And the lesson today couldn´t be better!
We had a discussion about changing sex *Ha Ha Ha*
My opinion is that if that makes a person happy or to feel more comfortable
it´s okey! I mean before you change, you still have to make a lot of tests!
But then there are one guy in our class who doesn´t agree.
He´s from Ukraine, btw.
And I respect his opinio but he doesn´t respect ours, that makes me upset
and it´s even more fun to discuss!!!

But when he ended up by saying:
"If my child/children told me that he/she want to change sex OR that they
are homosexual I would never ever talk to them again"
All the class ended about in a choir: "Oooh shit / Oooh my God"
And after, the teatcher have to end the discussion otherwise we would
have a big fight, what a Friday!!!

( Bild sen första veckan här, gud va de va längesen!!!! )

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Cough all the time :(

Why can´t I feel well? God must hate me or something. I´ve been sleeping all afternoon - what a life!?
But I´m waiting for Nick to coming down coz he´s going to show me a gym. So when I feel better, I will spend some time there, I can´t come home and be FAT - that´s so not my style!! Ha Ha

But for the moment, relaxing. I hate to feel like this! I hope it will get better SoooooooN.
Maybe I will eat meatballs tonight, hopefully I will feel better after Swedish food ;)

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Long Long Time Ago. . .

Update Wednesday 2o1o-o8-11 kl. 22,3o

I´ve been a very very bad girl and forgot to update, but eeeeh, my sister been here in two weeks so there were not much time over for the computer.

But now she just left :( These two weeks have been AMAZING and we had so much fun together! We won´t see eachother for 2½ month now, feels quite sad but at the same time good, coz now I can practice my English again. I´m surprised how easy it is to forget words and how to talk! I have 2½ week alone before my lovely boyfriend arrives and after, Alfons, Jimmy and Sanna. I don´t think I will feel alone this 2½ month I got left coz I will have a lot of people coming here to visit me! But for the moment I feel quite alone, or maybe just bored!

I had a great last day with sis. We went to St. Geroge´s Bay and spent all afternoon in the sun – result: both of us red faces :p
In the evening we went down to the harbour to meet a Swedish friend, Janni, and take one last drink with my sis before she leaves. It ended up with one salad, two smoothie, one cocktail and one muffin. The muffin was for me of course.
Now I will start my “New Life”, Ha Ha Ha, or at least try to make something. I feel so unfit for the moment, but at the same time, what ever. You only live onces!!

Summery of the week with sis <3
- Beach Surfside – The Point – Mc Donald´s – Gozo by Day – St. Geroge´s Bay – Valetta – Msida photo session – Paceville –> Bad Hangover – Ghajn Tuffieha – Sushi Dinner – New Italian friends – Maltese Dinner – Bad Kitchen experience – Best BBQ dinner EVER – Golden Bay – Men´s swimwear this year – Her neck – Spanish people -


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