Monday 2o1o-o8-16

When I went to school this morning I was quite upset about changing class -AGAIN! I don´t like to change class coz it means that we have a new teatcher and they all have different way to teach and of course we have to change when I really liked my other teatcher.

But when I went into the classroom I recognized the briefcase next to the teatchers chair. And guess what, the teatcher was the one I thought, John!! So I don´t feel upset anymore, now I know that I have another good teatcher.

After ONLY 1,5 hours lesson I went to the bookstore to buy a new book. This time I choosed The Summons by John Grisham. Seems to be a good book and I already read about 30 pages while sunbathing. The language in the book is a bit difficult, but I hope I can get through it!

Tonight? I have to do my homework. "2/3 words you like/dislike/find interested in English" / "What makes you laugh?" / "What makes you cry?".
The 2nd and 3rd one were easy for me. I laugh when someone gets hurt (Yes, I know it´s stupid, but sometimes it looks sooo fun) and I often cry (last time was when I saw P.S I Love You) when I watch movies.

[ Today´s shopping > My New Passion <3 ]

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