Relaxing :)

At nine o´clock yesterday evening there were some Turkish people who seen me in the sofa all day long and they asked me if I wanted to join them for a walk in the harbour. I was on my way to sleep but I went with them and there were also two Italian girls who just arrived that came with us. It was really fun to talk to this people and be decided to go together to the beach today. So we went, me, two Turkish guy´s and the two Italian girls. It was really nice but it was to windy today! After 2,5 I went back home to my residence and rest of the afternoon I´ve spent in the reception area with the turkish and italian people!
Tonight I think we´ll go to Paceville to show the new girls this place. But first, some Italian food :)

And I still feel totally lost in my mind and inside of my body, there´s no word for it! It feels empty!
At least something fun is coming up, Wednesday and sis is coming <3

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